The ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH) embraces all aspects of software construction and delivery, to make it the premier conference on the applications of programming languages - at the intersection of programming languages and software engineering.
We welcome the community to join us in Lisbon to celebrate humanity at the core of the software development process. We encourage everyone to participate in the many different events co-located with SPLASH, such as OOPSLA or Onward! Papers and Essays. Once again, researchers will circumnavigate the world to meet in Lisbon to discuss science and humanities.
Recorded Talks on Youtube
All the recorded talks are available on SIGPLAN YouTube Channel
If you wished to not make your video public, please send and email to sigplan-av+splash23@googlegroups.com and the Video Chairs will take it down. Please do not report the video to YouTube as copyright strikes can suspend the channel.

Hydroflow: A Compiler Target for Fast, Correct Distributed Programs
Joseph M. Hellerstein

Building Trust and Safety in Artificial Intelligence with Abstract Interpretation
Gagandeep Singh

Abstract Interpretation in Industry - Experience and Lessons Learned
Daniel Kaestner

Creating a learnable and inclusive programming language
Felienne Hermans
Embedding Quantitative Properties of Call-by-Name and Call-by-Value in a Unifying Framework
Delia Kesner

All the Languages Together
Amal Ahmed

Verifying Infinitely Many Programs at Once
Loris D'Antoni

Unification Modulo Equational Theories in Languages with Binding Operators
Maribel Fernandez

Opening, Keynote: Bounded STL Model Checking for Hybrid Systems
Kyungmin Bae

On-The-Fly Verification via Incremental, Interactive Abstract Interpretation with CiaoPP and VeriFly
Manuel Hermenegildo

Scaling up machine learning without tears (and what do programming languages have to do with it)
Dimitrios Vytiniotis

Keynote: Feeling the Local-First Elephant: A Roadmap, Hidden Gems, and New Puzzles from the Field
Brooklyn Zelenka

Goal-Directed Abstract Interpretation and Event-Driven Frameworks
Bor-Yuh Evan Chang
SPLASH 2023 Schedule (Overview)
Room | Sun, Oct 22 | Mon, Oct 23 | Tue, Oct 24 | Wed, Oct 25 | Thu, Oct 26 | Fri, Oct 27 |
Room I (392) | SAS / Posters (evening) | SAS | SAS / Posters (evening) | OOPSLA | OOPSLA | OOPSLA |
Room II (196) | MPLR | SLE | SLE | OOPSLA | OOPSLA / SRC Presentations | OOPSLA |
Room IV (36) | FTSCS | REBLS | ||||
Room V (37) | PAINT | |||||
Room XIII (44) | ST30 | ST30 | IWACO | |||
Room XV (100) | GPCE | GPCE | DLS | |||
Ocenos (50) | PPDP | PPDP | CONFLANG | |||
Room VI (108) | HATRA | VMIL | PLF | |||
Room VII (90) | LOPSTR | LOPSTR | Onward! | Onward! | ||
Room XII (120) | LIVE | Doctoral Symposium | SPLASH-E | OOPSLA | OOPSLA | |
Room III (270) | PLMW | Job Market Breakfast / LGBTQ lunch | Junior Faculty breakfast / URM Lunch | SIGPLAN-M Lunch | ||
Room XI | Office room | Office room | Office room | Office room | Office room | Office room |
Gallery | Coffee break / Lunch | Coffee break / Lunch | Coffee break / Lunch | Coffee break / Lunch / Standing buffet, reception | Coffee break / Lunch | Coffee break / Lunch |
Our expected daily schedule is as follows (please do check out the detailed program as well since some of the events’ programs deviate slightly):
Time | Slot |
7:30am - 4pm | Registration |
8am - 9am | Mentoring Breakfast (Wed/Thu)* |
9am (or 9:30am) - 10:30am | First Session / Keynote Talk |
10:30am - 11am | Morning Break |
11am - 12:30pm (or 12:30pm TBC) | Second Session |
12:30pm - 2pm | Lunch |
2pm - 3:30pm | Third Session |
3:30pm - 4pm | Afternoon Break |
4pm - 5:30pm | Fourth Session |
5:30pm - 7:30pm | Poster Session / Reception |
*requires prior registration
DEI Events:
Wed, Oct 25 | Thu, Oct 26 | Fri, Oct 27 |
Job Market Breakfast (Room III) | Junior Faculty Breakfast (Room III) | SIGPLAN-M Lunch |
LGBTQ Lunch (Room III) | URM (Under-represented Minorities) Lunch (Room III) | |
Women@SPLASH dinner (Restaurant Baía do Peixe, Av. Dom Carlos I 6, 2750-310 Cascais) |
Latest News
- Fri 27 Oct 2023 by Andreea Costea
SRC Winners
Congratulate to the following students for winning the SPLASH Student Research Competition:
1st Place: Jesse Hoobergs for the work on “Modular educational languages”
2nd Place: Marta Davila Mateu for the work on [“Synthesizing Recursive Programs Through Dataflow Constraints”](https://2023.splashcon.org/details/splash-202 …
read full article - Wed 25 Oct 2023 by Andreea Costea
Distinguished OOPSLA 2013 Artifacts and Reviewers
Congratulations to the authors of the following papers for their efforts in packing an exceptional artifact chosen as Distinguished OOPSLA Artifact:
Ike Mulder and Robbert Krebbers. Proof Automation for Linearizability in Separation Logic. Proc. ACM Program. Lang. 7, OOPSLA1, Article 91 (April 2023). DOI
Qinlin Chen, Nairen Zhang, Jinpeng Wang, Tian Tan, Chang Xu, Xiaoxing Ma, and Yue Li. **The Essence of Verilog: A Tractable and …
read full article - Sun 22 Oct 2023 by Andreea Costea
Distinguished OOPSLA Papers
Congratulations to the authors of the following works chosen as Distinguished OOPSLA 2023 Papers:
Shaohua Li and Zhendong Su. Accelerating Fuzzing through Prefix-Guided Execution. Proc. ACM Program. Lang. 7, OOPSLA1, Article 75 (April 2023). DOI
Shraddha Barke, Michael B. James, and Nadia Polikarpova. Grounded Copilot: How Programmers Interact with Code-Generating Models. Proc. ACM Program. Lang. 7, OOPSLA1, Article 78 …
read full article - Sat 21 Oct 2023 by Andreea Costea
OOPSLA'13 Most Influential Paper Award
The OOPSLA’13 paper “Empirical Analysis of Programming Language Adoption” by Leo A. Meyerovich and Ariel S. Rabkin has been selected as the OOPSLA’13 Most Influential Paper Award.
Some programming languages become wildly popular while others fade away. This paper seeks to answer why by performing an empirical study spanning hundreds of thousands of open-source software projects and interviews with thousands of programmers. The met …
read full article