SPLASH 2023 (series) / Alex Sanchez-Stern

Registered user since Wed 26 Oct 2022
Name:Alex Sanchez-Stern
Hey I’m Alex Sanchez-Stern, I’m a Postdoctoral researcher at UMass Amherst. I graduated from the University of Washington with a Masters degree in the Spring of 2016, and finished my PhD at UC San Diego in the Spring of 2021. I’m also part of the team at the UW that built Herbie. I’m generally interested in using programming language techniques to bring hard-fought domain expertise to more everyday programmers. My PhD thesis was on Proverbot9001, a neural-guided proof search tool.
Country:United States
Affiliation:University of Massachusetts
Personal website: https://alexsanchezstern.com
Research interests:Program Verification, Machine Learning, Proof Synthesis, Numerical Programming
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