Sun 22 - Fri 27 October 2023 Cascais, Portugal
Aron Zwaan

Registered user since Mon 16 Aug 2021

Name:Aron Zwaan

My main research interest is in the relation between declarative type system specifications and executable type checker implementations. In particular, I want to derive the latter from the former.

For this, I am using Statix as a vehicle. In particular, I am interested in

  • Methods to make the Type Checkers derived from Statix specifications more efficient, for example by designing incremental solvers, or (partially) compiling them.
  • Methods to make the Core Language more expressive: i.e., supporting more (classes of) type systems
  • Methods to make the Surface Language more convenient to use.
Affiliation:Delft University of Technology
Research interests:Type Systems, Type Checkers & Static Semantics


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