SPLASH 2023 (series) / Elena Glassman

Registered user since Tue 16 May 2017
Name:Elena Glassman
Elena Glassman is a the Stanley A. Marks and William H. Marks Assistant Professor at the Radcliffe Institute and a professor of computer science at the Harvard Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences specializing in human-computer interaction. She designs, builds and evaluates systems for comprehending and interacting with intelligent systems and population-level structure in large code and data corpora. Prior to joining Harvard as an assistant professor, Glassman earned BS, MEng and PhD degrees from MIT EECS and served as a postdoctoral scholar at the University of California, Berkeley EECS department and Berkeley Institute for Design.
Country:United States
Affiliation:Harvard University
Personal website: http://glassmanlab.seas.harvard.edu/
Research interests:Human-Computer Interaction, Program Synthesis
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