SPLASH 2023 (series) / Fengmin Zhu

Registered user since Sat 30 Jun 2018
Name:Fengmin Zhu
I’m working with Andreas Zeller in the CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security, discovering new ways of solving software engineering (SE) problems (program analysis, testing, debugging, fuzzing, etc.) via formal methods (FM) and programming language (PL) theories. I received my bachelor and master (adviser Fei He) both in Tsinghua University, where my research focus was on program synthesis and software merging.
Affiliation:CISPA - Helmholtz Center for Information Security
Personal website: https://paulz.me
GitHub: https://github.com/paulzfm
Research interests:Syntax, Typing & Subtyping, Synthesis, Constraint solving, Testing & Generation, Merging
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