SPLASH 2023 (series) / Jurgen Vinju

Registered user since Mon 20 Oct 2014
Name:Jurgen Vinju
- Researcher, see http://jurgen.vinju.org, in
- Software Language Engineering
- Programming Languages
- Empirical Software Engineering
- Software Evolution
- (Co)-Designer and/or (co-)engineer of (selected):
- Rascal Metaprogramming Language http://www.rascalmpl.org
- Rascal VScode https://github.com/usethesource/rascal-language-servers
- FlyBytes https://github.com/cwi-swat/flybytes
- Vallang http://www.usethesource.io/projects/vallang
- OSSMETER http://www.ossmeter.org
- Full professor of Automated Software Analysis at TU Eindhoven
- Senior Researcher in the SWAT group (Software Analysis and Transformation) at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica https://www.cwi.nl/research/groups/software-analysis-and-transformation
- Co-owner of SWAT.engineering BV http://www.swat.engineering
Affiliation:CWI; Eindhoven University of Technology
Personal website: http://homepages.cwi.nl/~jurgenv
X (Twitter): https://x.com/jurgenvinju
GitHub: https://github.com/jurgenvinju
Research interests:Software Engineering, Programming Languages, Domain Specific Languages, Reverse Engineering, Static Analysis, Software Evolution
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