SPLASH 2023 (series) / Weixing Zhang

Registered user since Wed 25 Aug 2021
Name:Weixing Zhang
I am a PhD student from the University of Gothenburg and am just entering my third year. Before starting my academic career, I worked in companies in China for almost seven years. I have extensive experience in embedded application development as well as some IT project management experience. I had no academic experience in the past, and now I am still an academic novice. But I am very open to communicating with different researchers and I am very much looking forward to learning from others.
Affiliation:Chalmers | University of Gothenburg
Personal website: https://wilson008.github.io/
X (Twitter): https://x.com/zhang_weixing
GitHub: https://github.com/Wilson008
Research interests:software engineering, model-driven SE
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